Our supporters say:
“Road crashes are everyone’s worst nightmare, and every day a horrific reality beyond words for families across the UK. They constitute a terrifying national, daily disaster that must not be tolerated. The Government decision to fund more cycle lanes is applauded and the Safe Roads for All Alliance is looking to work constructively with Government to seek the strategy and action needed to save lives and the planet, as well as funding for the National Road Victim Service to help victims.”
— Mary Williams OBE, Chief Executive of Brake,
the charity which runs the National Road Victim Service for road victims
“Every death and serious injury on London's roads is one too many, resulting in heartache and tragedy for those affected and their loved ones. Reducing road danger is one of City Hall and TfL’s top priorities and we’re determined to meet our Vision Zero goal of eliminating death and serious injury from London’s roads. We fully support the ‘Safe Roads for All’ report and will continue to work closely with Brake and other partners towards this aim.”
- Will Norman, London’s walking and cycling commissioner
“In the face of a climate crisis, air pollution from traffic and dangerous levels of physical inactivity it has never been more important for walking and cycling to be safer and feel safer for everyone – not just the brave. ‘Safe Roads for All’ has recommendations to help make this happen and set us on a path to ensure no one is killed or seriously injured on our roads in the future.”
— Xavier Brice, CEO, Sustrans
“RoadSafe fully supports the need to develop and encourage partnerships to make our roads safer. We are therefore delighted that a number of our advisory panel were involved in the preparation of the report which identifies many opportunities for tackling the challenges faced in improving safety of all who use our roads. To be successful we will need to share responsibility between governments and the public. Here, as the report highlights, the private sector has an important role to play in many areas such as the development of new technologies and through the good management of employees who drive.”
— Adrian Walsh, Director, RoadSafe
“Encouraging walking helps create happier, more cohesive communities and has huge benefits for mental and physical health. One of the few positive developments of the last 16 months has been an increase in the number of people walking - whether we walk for fun or to get to school, the park, the local shop or to work. As we emerge from the pandemic, government has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reshape the places where we live. The Ramblers urges government to look seriously at the recommendations in this evidence-based report and take urgent steps to create safer streets, healthier neighbourhoods and more walkable towns and cities.”
— Gemma Cantelo, Head of Policy and Advocacy, Ramblers
“Safe Roads for All is about providing roads and streets that meet the needs of everyone in society: young children on the school run; hauliers moving goods; commuters getting to work; and older adults engaging with their communities. It is so important that people are safe and feel safe so that we can all be better connected and enjoy the benefits of healthy and active travel. This Alliance is calling on Government to be bold and adopt a long-term vision for safe and healthy mobility that moves us away from the status quo and drives us towards a vision of roads and streets free from death and serious injury – making road travel as safe as travel by rail and air. To get there, greater funding will be needed for road authorities (national and local), where the case for investment in safer road infrastructure really stacks up.”
- Dr Suzy Charman, Executive Director of the Road Safety Foundation
“We know that the burden of road casualties falls mostly on young people. Now is the time for our political leaders to take a courageous, long term stance and become heroes for future generations; by deploying useful frameworks in a way that pivots focus away from road users’ age and traditional modes of transport, towards accessible and equitable systems. I believe most people would be happy to do their bit for the environment by cycling or walking or 'scooting' more, but only if they feel safe, and better off doing so. If we get this right, transport users’ health, and their quality of life, will be seen to be of equal importance to protecting their life.”
- Richard Cuerden, TRL (Transport Research Laboratory) Academy Director
“Road Safety Support (RSS) believes that collaboration between all actors - Government, Public Sector, NGOs, Third Sector, Private Sector and Civil Society- will be the key to achieving our united goal – ‘safe roads for all road users’. Looking to the future, RSS calls on the Government to be audacious, to embark on a strategy that embraces the Safe System, focusing on reducing road deaths and harm through encouraging compliance with all road traffic laws, enhancing infrastructure and national connectivity, as well as ensuring the climate / green agenda is at its heart, allowing our cities and communities to thrive into the future. The furtherance of this goal will contribute to a better, safer environment for children, families and individuals to walk, cycle and use e-mobility modes of transport.”
- Emma Kelly, Development, PR and Advocacy Manager, Road Safety Support